Make a Payment

If you would like to make a payment there are several ways:

1. Credit and debit card payment

Payments with all major credit and debit cards, including bank wires, can be done through our secure payment form (powered by Stripe). Please fill in the invoice amount into the form on the left side and you will be re-directed to our payment partner Stripe.

2. Bank Wires

We accept direct international bank wires (the bank details can be found on the respective invoice).  Most banks accepted.

3. Crypto Payments

We accept all liquid tokens and coins as payments through Coinbase or Binance or other major recognized exchanges. Please ask for details, like fees and applicable rules and laws. Our recipient addresses can be found on the invoice.

Secure Credit and Debit Card Payments + bank deposits
through our payment processor

(base currency = EUR, payment in any currency possible)

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